Thursday, June 28, 2007

Week 3 DONE!

Another week over and done. I need to ice my knee today. It was hurting a bit while running today. A few years ago I fell while walking the dog and got cellulitis and bursitis in my right knee. All was well until about 2 months ago...the darn thing starting popping with almost every step it took. Michael said I probably shouldn't run on it, but I was determined to do this program. I iced it last night and took some ibuprofen because after walking last night it was a bit achy. Oh well, I have 2 days of rest before week 4 starts.

My parents are starting their drive out to Utah today. They will be stopping in Idaho somewhere to stay the night. They should be here mid-afternoon tomorrow. That gives me time to study today and a little tomorrow for a unit test I have to take on Monday night. I don't want to spend all my time studying while they are here, but I will have to do some work as things are due when they leave.

I got my lab mid-term back and got a 92%! I did way better than I thought I did. That seems the norm for me these days. Perhaps I shouldn't worry about tests as much as I do. Easier said than done.

Tomorrow is Cameron's last day of school until July 25th. I am going in for a little while tomorrow to take some pictures of he and his friends. They are having a pizza party to end the day. Fun! I have probably said this before, but he is so excited to start 2nd grade. Only a few weeks away!

Off to clean the guest room and tackle the bathrooms so I can take most of today to study. I must stay away from the computer today...yeah, right!


Nicole *Ü* said...

Oh ouch!! I hope your knee feels better so you can keep on with your program! After reading about it a bit, I actually think I *might* be able to do it. LOL At least the first part of it, where it's only a few minutes at a time. Good luck with everything for school. It sounds like it's going great! Have fun visiting with your parents!!

Anonymous said...

Oooooh sorry about your knee!!!

I hope you have a great time while your parents are visiting!