Sunday, June 24, 2007

Week 3, Day 1

Well, I thought today was going to be harder than last week since I had to run for 3 straight minutes. That first 3 was sort of tough as I went a different way and it was at a slight incline, but I made it. There were only 2 intervals today so it wasn't really that bad.

I finally finished the microbiology paper I needed to do to turn in on Wednesday. Michael says it looks great, but we will wait and see what my instructor says. Luckily, this is only a rough draft so I have time to improve it. I only took about an hour and a half to work on it.

Not much happening this weekend. Michael and I went out to look at the houses in Daybreak yesterday. I had been up there before to look at a house that my co-worker Erin is buying. Michael hadn't been up there at all except to go try out a church last year up that way. After looking in a few model homes we drove around. There is no way we would live up there. The houses were SO close together.

Michael wants to purchase some land so we can build a custom home sometime in the far future. Well, he wants to purchase the land in the near future, but as to where we don't know. Land is SOOOO expensive, but it is only going to keep going up up up.

The plans for today:
Read 2 chapters in nutrition
Take 2 chapter tests
Read 2 chapters in biology
Type 2 chapters of notes
Start research on diabetes for a paper
Wash outside windows
Pull weeds

Sure looks like alot, but I hope to get most of it done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about the price of land going up up up! I can't believe how much dirt costs these days!!! I hope you are able to find something in an area you will like!!!