Thursday, July 20, 2006


Well, two hours later I finished mowing and edging the front and back. I felt so proud. I even turned on the sprinklers. I plan on getting outside first thing in the morning to do some weeding and then later in the evening to do some more. I do have to clean house tomorrow. I think I am the culprit when it comes to clutter. I came home from the weekend and now the house is a sty! Oy vey!


Anonymous said...

Glad you got something done in your yard! You're way better than I am! LOL I've actually done quite well this week, if I do say so myself, on my house. It's not perfect, but it's better!! LOL Good luck tomorrow with more weeding and cleaning!!

Anonymous said...

YAY...sounds like you made quite a dent in the yardwork! Have fun with the rest of it! ;-)

Kim said...

Good for you! I need to mow my front yard but I keep putting it off hoping Rick will do it! Hee Hee. I actually enjoy doing the yard, just not in 100 degree heat!
If your house is a sty, then mine is a pit! You should see my scrapbook room! YIKES! I took everything from QKU and it's in huge piles all over the place!

JoLynn said...

I still have not put all my QKU stuff away. My house is horrible but I am cleaning tonight.

heidi larsen said...

hey stacy! thanks for the link to your blog! cameron is so cute and he totally looks like you. that's nice that your boys kept your house clean for you.