Saturday, December 08, 2007


It starting snowing here around 6:00 last night as we headed out to dinner. We ran to Barnes & Noble and then headed home around 8:30. The roads were pretty slow going from the eastside to home, but we made it. Michael shoveled our drive and the neighbors when we got home, but by the time he came back towards our house our drive needed to be shoveled again. However, he was smart and came inside.

I had to go shovel off our deck and a little area of grass so Lucy could have a place to go potty instead of our deck full of snow. Here are a few pictures I took this morning while the snow is still falling:

I love this one of Lucy...she was running full steam at me. If you can blow up the picture you will see snow flying all around her.
Lucy looking for me to throw a snowball her way.Normally we take down the trampoline before the snow starts to fall. I think this is something we need to work on today. I would hate for it to get ruined from all the heavy snow.Today is going to be a day of studying for me and then I will take a break to run to a holiday boutique where my friend Heidi is going to be selling her scrapbooking items.


heidi larsen said...

way cool pictures stacy! it was wonderful seeing you today too! i am so glad that you came! i use photoshop to create my layouts. when you buy paper from ldd you can use just about any software program to open the files. they are all jpeg or png files.

Anonymous said...

Great snow pictures! That is the ONLY thing I like about the snow, the rest SUCKS!