Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Wednesday Update

Well, Michael still isn't scheduled for surgery on his arm yet. I went to work today to get away and get some ME time even though it was really patient time. Shannon brought Cameron to my work at 12:30 so I could take him to see him on my lunch hour. I figured it would be a good time since he isn't too drugged up and if he had surgery later this week it would be longer until Cameron could see him.

Cameron was SOOOO excited to get to his room. He didn't want me to stop to use the bathroom, but I sort of forced him...well, not really forced, but you know. When we finally got up there he was smiling and said "Hi Dad!" They gave eachother high fives and all was good. Cameron was a little shy about the IV tubing and didn't want to ask daddy about it, but all was great after I told him it was just medicine to help him get better faster. We didn't stay too long, but he was looking AWESOME!

I had dropped his mom off at the hospital before work and then when I went back at lunch I took her and Cameron back to my house. While she was there she made everyone stay out for 2.5 hours so Michael could get some well deserved rest. I think that is just what he needed. He is very messed up on his days and hours. When I went back after work he thought it was morning and he was totally grumpy because the doctors and nurses had been in bothering him and not letting him sleep. I stayed until about 7:30 and then wanted to get home to be with Cameron for awhile.

Well, I am going to go be with him now, but thought I would do a quick update.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Hey Stacy...I'm sitting here in tears after reading all of this. Thank God Michael is going to be ok. Please know that I'm here if you think of anything at all that I might be able to do to help.

You guys are in my thoughts and prayers!!!