That was my diagnosis today. Here is what I found online so I wouldn't have to type it all up.
What is Fibrocystic Breast Disease?
Controversy exists about the name - fibrocystic breast disease. Some argue that fibrocystic breast disease is not a disease, but a common and harmless condition experienced by women as they encounter hormonal changes during their menstrual cycles.
Others argue that fibrocystic breast changes are a precursor for future breast cancer. Current research suggests that women with fibrocystic breast disease or other benign breast conditions are more likely to develop breast cancer later only if a breast biopsy shows "atypia" or abnormal breast cells.
Most women with fibrocystic breasts will not show atypia when a breast biopsy is performed.
Fibrocystic breast disease is common and usually benign condition. Symptoms include swollen, tender breasts, and/or one or more lumps. Frequently, symptoms worsen just before a woman's menstrual cycle, subsiding near the end. For the majority of women these symptoms are a temporary discomfort, however some women experience severe pain.
Fibrocystic breast disease may affect one or both breasts. Women often discover the existence of this condition when, during their monthly breast self-exam, they detect a lump. As frightening as discovering a lump in your breast is it's important to remember that most breast lumps are not breast cancer. However, all breasts lumps must be investigated to rule out breast cancer and/or to begin immediate treatment if breast cancer is diagnosed.
He told me to keep an eye on it and if it isn't better by the beginning of May to come in for an ultrasound.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Fibrocystic Breast Disease
I know my arms are tired and were worked good today only by walking into Camerons room to help him with his computer. I know that this doesn't make too much sense, but it will when I am done. He was having some problem and called for me to help. I walked in and it smelled like something was on FIRE. I couldn't find where the smell was coming from so I was sniffing everywhere. I even sniffed him because he had been having some nasty gas. This didn't smell like nasty gas though. I finally found out that it was his monitor. Something inside of it must have gone bad because it wasn't working and it was very stinky. So, I called Michael and he told me to unplug it and put it in the garage. This is when I knew my arms were a bit fatigued. I had to lift up the 19" monitor...that sucker was heavy. I thought I was going to drop it a few times. Normally this isn't a big deal, but it was today! I then carried it downstairs and had to bring up Michaels old one so he would have something to use.
Well, I am off to the doctor. I have been having some pain in my right breast. It also seems to have grown a bit. I decided to take this problem to the doctor for him to figure out. I don't feel anything abnormal, but just want his opinion on it too.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Another one for the day
I almost forgot...Michael went to work today! He isn't home yet, but when I called him around 2:30 he said he was going to be leaving soon because his hip was starting to bother him. I bet it feels great for him to finally be back in his office doing what he is used to doing.
We picked up his new car on Monday. He got a 2006 Chevy Impala. He was driving a 2002 before. He figured since he got out of the first one alive he should try the same car again. He had a choice between the Impala, an Altima, a Camry, a Taurus or a Caravan. The Impala had the best crash test ratings so naturally he chose it. It is a very pretty silvery gray color...mostly silver. It has that awesome new car smell too.
He will officially be going back to work on Monday for a few days per week until he can handle sitting for that long.
Back from CA
Well, we arrived back into cold Utah on Sunday. I had a nice time while I was in CA. Michael was in meetings most of the time so I went out and did a few things on my own and with some WA Carquest wives. It was nice to see them again and to meet a new wife named Janet. We took these past customers out to dinner and for drinks a few times. I found a new drink that is to die for...a caramel apple martini. Oh my goodness, it had real caramel dripped in the glass and an apple piece floating in the drink. I was smart from the beginning to save my apple until the drink was gone and use it for wiping up the caramel! YUM! I won't even begin to count how many of these I had while I was down there!
I brought Cameron back a few fun items. His favorite is the rubberband shooter! It is a wooden gun that holds 12 rubberbands at a time. However, these do sort of hurt when hit at close range with them. Oh, who am I kidding...they hurt from far away too. I also brought him a fake can of know, the kind with the springy snake inside. How fun! However, he had seen this on a cartoon before and knew what was going to happen before he opened it. I wanted to scare the daylights out of him and it didn't work.
Today I took Cameron to see the Chronicles of Narnia. Yes, I know that the movie has been out for a LONG time, but it just got to the $1 theater so I thought I would go today. What a great movie! It was a little long and he did ask continuously when it was going to be over. I will be buying this movie in a few weeks when it comes out.I haven't added any new pictures lately so here is one that Cameron took earlier today. Cameron loves to take pictures, but he has some strange fascination with taking pics of his cartoons. It seems like every time I look at my media card there are tons of cartoon shots. Perhaps he wants to be an animator when he is older and this is just his way of showing it.
I haven't posted the books that I have read in awhile so here is my current list for the year. Currently I am reading Mrs. Kimble by Jennifer Haigh
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
Hard Eight by Janet Evanovich
Red Lily by Nora Roberts
To The Nines by Janet Evanovich
The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown
Child of Darkness by VC Andrews
Marley & Me by John Grogan
Ten Big Ones by Janet Evanovich
Julie and Julia: 365 days, 524 recipes by Julie Powell
The Rule of Four by Ian Caldwell & Dustin Thomason
Eleven on Top by Janet Evanovich
Jack and Jill by James Patterson
Jewel by Bret Lott
Cat and Mouse by James Patterson
A Body to Die For by Kate White
Friday, March 10, 2006
Michael Update
Michael had a VERY long morning today. We started the day off by me dropping him off for his pool therapy and physical therapy. I went to the gym for awhile to kill some time while he was there. I got back to the hospital around 10:00 so I could be there for his 10:15 appt. We didn't see the doctor until almost 12:30! He was very behind for some reason. The x-ray tech had to retake some x-rays and then they misplaced them and took some time to look for them. We finally got some good news today! His hip is showing signs of healing! Praise God! This made his chance of needing a hip replacement go from 50% to 25%! That said there is still the possibility that the bone will die, but we will keep on praying! Physical therapy kicked his butt today and they want him walking 100% weight baring now. He walked from the exam room to the x-ray room today without any support! Way to go Michael!
While at the gym today I signed up for 12 sessions with a personal trainer! Erin at work told me that they were running a special for $250 for 12 sessions. This normally runs almost $600! I mentioned it to Michael this morning before we even left and he told me to go for I did! I will start going 2 times a week to the trainer after we get back from San Diego.
Yes, I said San Diego! The doctor has given the green light for Michael to travel now! He is happy that we will be able to go to the conference. He wants to see some people and say hello to his past customers from Washington. I will be doing some shopping and hanging out while he is in meetings. We will be leaving on Wednesday and coming home on Sunday! However, we don't have tickets yet! Michael was supposed to call the travel person for the company today to let her know what the doctor said and when we called she was already gone for the day. Michael hopes that she will be able to get us a flight there to have us there before 3:00 on Wednesday. There is a mandatory meeting he needs to go to that starts at 3:00.
Well, I just did a lot of typing. I am going to go down and do some laundry and read a book!
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Sunday ramblings
Clean up craft room
Vacuum all the floors
Mop up all the tile
Finish laundry
Pack my gym bag
Figure out what to do for dinner
Scrub bathrooms
Pick up all clutter
Cameron has been doing such a great job with reading. His teacher has these Sight Word lists and we are to ask for a new one when he has the current one memorized. Well, we asked for the 4th list on Tuesday and then I asked for the 5th list on Friday since he was going off track and we would need something to work on during that time. She wrote back that she didn't have a 5th list made yet...she didn't think anyone would be there yet I'm guessing. She told me that it would be color and number words so I made him one this morning. He knows most of them already!
Well, I better get off the computer and start on my To-Do list for the day. I haven't done any cleaning at all this past week and it shows!