Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Well HELLO there

Where has the time gone. I have been living in the beautiful state of Utah for 5 years today. I can't believe it has been 5 years already. We were told it would be a minimum of 3 years here and look, we are still here. We're here for at least 3 more years so I can finish school here. In the 5 years we have been here there is still a lot of the state we have yet to see. I haven't been to the National Parks down South yet and I want to see them before we venture out of this state.

Cameron has lived over half of his life here now too. Look at how much he has changed...
Well, I need to go start dinner or we will never eat tonight. I'll try to update this more often.


heidi larsen said...

i am so glad that you live here! and gladder that you are staying for at least 3 more years~!

Shannon said...

Look how little Cameron was! I've got pictures of when we met at the dinosaur museum and all our kids look so little!
I don't know what I'll do here when you guys end up leaving! I'll miss you!

Lilian said...

You should stay in UT forever!