Friday, August 01, 2008

A week in review

I am the mother of a THIRD grader! I can't believe Cameron is in third grade. He was so excited to start school on Monday. I had to be at work by 8:00 so I had Michael stay home to take him to school. Cameron did not want daycare to take him because he said he didn't want to be late for his first day of school. The daycare van has a tendency to get him late so he had a few tardies last year. As Kim pointed out in her comment it looks like Cameron had a new haircut. Michael had to take the first day pictures and I am sure he didn't notice his head was dead center to the wreath.I finished my summer class and I think I have decided to take a break this next semester. I have been going to school part-time for 2 years now without a break. I only have one prerequisite left for my program and I will take it Spring semester.

Cameron had hockey on Thursday night and sort of had a little meltdown. It seems that he doesn't know how to stop properly and decided that he wasn't even going to try so he laid on the ice and cried. Eventually he did get up and did the other activity they were doing. He apologized to the instructor later and he talked to him about why we practice and that not everyone knows how to do it perfectly yet.

There really isn't that much to report for the week. I was busy working and hanging out with the family.

I am taking Cameron to Lagoon after school today since we didn't make it before school started like I promised him we would do. We invited my co-worker and her little brother to go along with us so it should be fun. We have only been to Lagoon once before and it was about 2 years ago with my brother and his wife. Since we have been there they have added a new roller coaster and I am so excited to go on it. Cameron has second thoughts about it, but I have told him he will be going on it with me. He really does love roller coasters so don't worry that I am forcing him.


Kim said...

Love the photo! At first I thought Cameron had a new hair cut! LOL! Congrats on finishing this semester. I'm sure you did fabulous...again! I can totally understand about taking a break, I admire you for taking on so much. I also can't wait to see you!

Lilian said...

He looks really cute!

Congrats on being wise enough to take a break! I do admire you for all your hard work and when the time comes for you to enroll again, you'll be awesome in school like you were before!

Shannon said...

I hope Cam had a great first week of school!

I'm so glad you've decided to take a break! You needed it so bad.

heidi larsen said...

i tagged you!

if you want i can fix those photo's for you. so it doesn't look like cameron has spikes coming out of his head. ha ha...